Family Best Time >> Food

Small babas with kumquats and amber rum from Martinique

Ingredients:6 people
  • flour
    250 g
  • eggs
  • butter (soft)
    75 g
  • sugar
  • salt
    2 pinches
  • yeast
    15 g
  • kumquats
    300 g
  • sugar
    300 g
  • amber rum
    10 cl

  • Preparation time:30 minutes
  • Cooking time:30/40

The day before, prepare the kumquats:wash them, pat them dry, cut them into 3 mm slices, remove the seeds. Put the slices in a bowl, add 100 g of sugar, mix and leave to cool overnight.

Prepare the dough. Pour 10 cl of lukewarm water into a glass, add the yeast and leave for 8 to 10 minutes. Pour the flour into the mixing bowl with the salt, sugar and dissolved yeast. Blend for 30 seconds, adding the eggs one at a time. Blend for 10 minutes, add the butter and blend for another 3 minutes.

Butter 12 small baba molds and spread the dough among them. Let it double in size at room temperature (15 to 20 minutes).

Turn on the tea oven. 7 (210°C). Slide in the babas and cook for 25 to 30 minutes, until golden brown.

Prepare the syrup. Pour the remaining sugar into a saucepan, add 30 cl of water, bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, pour in the rum, add the kumquats and the rendered juice and mix.

Immerse the babas for 30 seconds in the hot juice, then place them on the serving platter. Place the kumquat slices in the center.

Let cool before serving.