Family Best Time >> Food

Aubergines stuffed with cabécous from Aveyron, olive oil and basil

Aubergines stuffed with cabécous from Aveyron, olive oil and basil

For 6 people:

Prep:20 minutes Cook:45 minutes

6 aubergines, 3 tomatoes, 1 lemon, 2 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 120 g of very dry cabécous from Aveyron,

4 stalks of mint, 1 small bunch of basil, 5 cl of olive oil, salt, pepper.

Cut the aubergines in half lengthwise, then scoop out the flesh without piercing the skin. Crush it coarsely and lemon it. Peel and chop the onions and garlic. Scald and peel the tomatoes, deseed them and crush them.

Cut the cabécous into small dice.

Finely chop the mint and basil leaves, set aside a good tablespoon.

Fry the onions and eggplant flesh in half the oil in the pan for 3 to 4 minutes. Salt, pepper, add the garlic, tomatoes and chopped herbs and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the diced cabécous and stir off the heat.

Turn on the oven to th.6 (180°C).

Fill eggplant halves with stuffing. Wedge them in a gratin dish. Sprinkle with the remaining basil and mint, drizzle with the remaining oil and bake for 45 minutes.

Enjoy these aubergines hot out of the oven, or cold.