Family Best Time >> Food

Reinette queen tartlets with cabécous and walnuts

Ingredients:6 tartlets
  • shortcrust pastry ready to roll
    250 g
  • walnut kernels
    50 g
  • queen pippin apples
  • cumin seeds
    2 g
  • oil
    1 tablespoon
  • butter
  • cabécous

  • Preparation time:15 minutes
  • Cooking time:20 minutes

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Butter 6 small tartlet moulds.

Preheat the oven to th. 7 (210°C).

Cut the dough into 6 circles and line the molds. Prick the bottom with a fork and set aside in the fridge.

Peel the apples, core them and slice 3 into thin strips. Cut the others into small dice.

Reserve 6 walnut kernels for decorating the tartlets and coarsely grind the others. mix them with the diced apples. Pass this preparation for a few minutes in the pan with a tablespoon of oil. Time to color the apples.

Fill the tart shells two-thirds full with the apple and nut mixture.

Arrange the apple slices on top in a rosette and put half a cabécou in the center.

Bake for 20 minutes.

Take the tarts out and let them cool.

Just before serving, add a walnut kernel and some cumin seeds to the goat cheese.