Family Best Time >> Food

Heart of strawberry cream

Ingredients:6 people
  • cream
    10 tablespoons
  • caster sugar
    8 tablespoons
  • strawberries
    600 g
  • egg whites
  • fresh mint
    a few leaves

  • Preparation time:35 minutes

Whip the very cold crème fraîche until, pulling the whisk towards you, a small beak forms at the end

Beat the egg whites until stiff.

Gently mix cream and beaten egg whites.

Place cheesecloth* in the bottom of small heart-shaped perforated porcelain moulds* and fill them with the cream.

Arrange in a hollow dish and leave for about 6 hours in the cold (the serum will drip through the holes in the molds in the dish).

Wash, hull, drain the 600 g of strawberries. Reserve half of them, choosing the best ones. Crush the others with the sugar. Perform this operation on a warm surface to facilitate bonding. let cool.

Gently unmold the hearts on plates, removing the muslin. Spread the strawberry syrup around the heart and arrange the reserved strawberries, halved or sliced.

Decorate with fresh mint leaves.

If there is no muslin, use Sopalin paper.

* There are this kind of plastic molds.

Heart of strawberry cream

Taken from Hubert's Favorite Recipes at Éditions JA