Family Best Time >> Food

Tarte Tatin

Ingredients:6 people
  • apples
    5 to 6 depending on size
  • sugar
    125g (50g + 25g + 50g )
  • butter
    75g (50g + 25g)
  • Short pastry:flour
    150 g
  • butter
    75 g
  • salt
    1/2 teaspoon
  • water
    approximately 1/2 glass
  • sugar
    1 teaspoon

  • Preparation time:30 minutes
  • Cooking time:30 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 3]

Prepare a shortcrust pastry, avoid kneading it Put into a ball and leave to rest in the fridge while preparing the apples and the mould.

Coat the bottom of the springform pan (approximately 50 g) with creamy butter (softened but not melted) so as to obtain an even layer of 4 to 5 mm, then sprinkle a thick layer of sugar on the surface of the butter (50 g i.e. 2 heaped tablespoons).

Cut the apples into thick, regular slices 1 to 2 cm thick.

Arrange the first layer of apples on the sugar, overlapping them one on top of the other upside down the way you usually arrange apples on a pie:the Tatin pie turns over when unmolded, the rounded part of the slice of apple that will be visible on the finished cake, must therefore be against the bottom of the mold, on the sugar.

When this first layer is well laid out, place a second on top, reversing the direction, then continue to fill the mold (3 or 4 layers may be necessary).

Then sprinkle the apples with a tablespoon of sugar. Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin to 3 or 4 m thick. Cut out a disc of dough, with a diameter slightly larger than that of the mould:the dough must in fact cover the edges.

Place this disk of dough on the apples and, gently, with your fingertips, rub the dough in until it touches the bottom of the mould.

With the tip of a knife, make a few incisions to allow steam to escape during cooking.

Bake in the hot oven (th. 8-81/2) placing the pie in the lower third of the oven.

After 25 to 30 minutes, the dough should be golden brown. Remove from the oven and let stand for about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, turn on the radiant oven grill.

To unmold, place the serving dish upside down on the mold and turn the whole thing over briskly but without brutality.

Sprinkle the ^apples with 50 g of powdered sugar, sprinkle with melted butter (25 g) and caramelize the surface on the grill, watching this operation carefully.

Remove from the oven as soon as the surface is a beautiful golden blond.

This pie is delicious warm, hot or cold.

Tarte Tatin

Source:Les Bons Desserts by Claire Mignière. Baudouin. .