Rice milk is a good alternative to animal milk like cow's milk.
It's gluten-free, but it costs a lot more. Doing it yourself, on the other hand, is much more economical.
There are special machines to make plant milks, but I don't have the space or the money to invest in them for now.
So I'm giving you my little homemade recipe to make it yourself without any specific equipment, and the result is convincing!
Rice milk is one of my favorites for several reasons:it is easy and economical to prepare, it is very digestible, gluten-free and its taste does not alter my savory or sweet cooking recipes.
And rice milk is much lower in fat than cow's milk. It is also rich in vitamin B and minerals.
For this recipe, you need a few ingredients:rice flour and water . That's it!
1. Pour into a carafe 1.2 liters of water
2. Then mix 40 g of rice flour in 11 tablespoons of water drawn from the carafe.
3. Boil the rest of the water (so 1.2 liters minus the 11 tablespoons removed).
4. Once the water is boiled, pour the diluted rice flour mixture into it.
5. Mix well. The important thing here is to avoid lumps as much as possible.
6 Bring the mixture to a boil again.
7. Simmer over low heat for about 3 minutes.
8. Don't forget to stir occasionally.
9. Leave to cool.
There you go, your rice milk is ready :-)
As soon as you want to use it for cooking or drinking, always shake well beforehand to re-homogenize the mixture.
- I prefer to use mineral water rich in calcium in order to obtain a rice milk much richer in calcium.
- Depending on my mood, I add a half sachet of vanilla sugar, a pinch of coarse salt, a tablespoon of walnut oil, spices or aromatic herbs or a teaspoon of orange blossom.
- I choose a rice flour of good quality and preferably organic. In fact, depending on the variety, the result is not the same. So you have to experiment.
- I mainly use this milk in the kitchen to make blinis, pancakes, madeleines, milk desserts, risottos, etc. To drink on the other hand, more rarely, even if this rice milk is very refreshing in summer and I'm starting to appreciate it with cocoa :D