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Endives Too Bitter? The Simple Trick To Remove Bitterness.

Endives Too Bitter? The Simple Trick To Remove Bitterness.

Many people, including children, shun endives because they are too bitter...

It's a shame, because it's a food that has many benefits, especially for lowering cholesterol.

Luckily, a pro cook gave me his kitchen trick to remove the acidity and bitterness of endives easily.

The trick is simply to cook them twice in water. Watch:

Endives Too Bitter? The Simple Trick To Remove Bitterness.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- pan

- water

- salt

How to

1. First blanch the endives in unsalted boiling water for 2 min.

2. When the endives are almost cooked, drain the cooking water that has stored the bitterness.

3. Put new water in the pan.

4. Cook again for a few minutes with a little salt in boiling water.

5. Drain the cooking water and serve hot or cold.


And There you go ! Thanks to this chef's tip, no more bitter and inedible endives :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

You've taken the bitterness out of endives with this simple recipe!

Even the children will finally eat your good gratin of endives with ham without grimacing!

Bonus tip

Endives Too Bitter? The Simple Trick To Remove Bitterness.

To further reduce the bitterness of endives, there is another equally effective trick.

You can make it in addition to the 2 cooking waters and to remove the bitterness of raw endives.

Very practical for eating them in salads for example.

The trick is to remove the cone from the endive before cooking, because it contains the most bitterness.

For this, it is enough to use a small knife and cut it.

Why does it work?

While cooking, the endives release their bitterness in the first water.

Change the water and continue cooking in new water.

Changing this water at the end of cooking softens the cooked endive, because it no longer bathes in its acid "juice".

Endives Too Bitter? The Simple Trick To Remove Bitterness.