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An Effective Tip against the Bitterness of Endives.

An Effective Tip against the Bitterness of Endives.

Endives, we love them and we eat them practically all year round .

On the other hand, it must be recognized that when you eat them cooked, you can detect a slight bitterness in them.

If this bitterness bothers you, here is an effective trick to get rid of it very quickly.

An Effective Tip against the Bitterness of Endives.

How To

To remove any bitterness from your endives, make a 1 to 2 cm cut at their base, in the shape of a cone.

Bonus Tips

To further reduce the bitterness:

- quickly wash your endives under cold water, without soaking them;

- do not blanch them, or add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.

Click here to discover this trick, as well as the recipe for endives with ham.