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The Tip To Keep Your Tomatoes Twice As Long.

The Tip To Keep Your Tomatoes Twice As Long.

Garden tomato season is finally here!

What a joy to harvest your own tomatoes or buy them from the small local producer.

They are so much better than the ones you buy in the supermarket!

But often, we harvest a lot of them at once and the question that arises is:how to store them?

Because it would still be a shame to waste such beautiful tomatoes, wouldn't it?

And since they are not stuffed with preservatives and anti-rot, they can ripen very quickly.

Here I show you how to keep your tomatoes twice as long without making any effort.

The trick is to store your tomatoes upside down . Watch:

The Tip To Keep Your Tomatoes Twice As Long.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • Bonus Tips

How to

1. Detach each tomato from the stem.

2. Place each tomato upside down, i.e. on the stem.

3. Make sure they stay in this position (upside down) without rolling.


And There you go ! Your tomatoes will keep much longer.

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Your tomatoes are spotless for up to 10 days longer. A nice saving and above all no waste.

It would still be a shame to lose such beautiful fruits and let them rot too quickly.

And that means you don't have to put the tomatoes in the fridge. Thus, they do not lose their very sweet taste.

This trick will work with all types of tomatoes:green, yellow or red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and even garden tomatoes.

If you really have too many tomatoes all at once, prepare a few jars of coulis. You will be delighted to find them in winter! Discover the recipe here.

Why does it work?

By putting the tomatoes upside down, the air cannot infiltrate through the crater left when the stem is removed.

The tomato also retains its water and this delays its drying out. And since it does not dry out, it does not rot or turn black.

Keep tomatoes well at room temperature, especially not in the fridge.

Bonus tips

Tomatoes are delicate fruits, they can spread quickly. Do not pile them up when you put them upside down:leave a space between each one. I put them in a little basket with some newspaper in the bottom.

Put the basket in a place with little light and away from temperature variations.

Avoid removing the stem. If it is already removed, the whole trick of placing the tomato on the rest of the peduncle makes sense.

Don't put tomatoes next to apples, bananas or avocados which will ripen them faster. That's exactly what we're trying to avoid.

Finally, keep your tomatoes without washing them, even if there is a little soil on them. You will wash them just before eating them.

The Tip To Keep Your Tomatoes Twice As Long.