Wondering how to store egg whites?
This is an interesting question, because there are often egg whites left over after making recipes...
And it's really a shame to throw them away! What a waste!
Because did you know that it is quite possible to keep egg whites for a few days?
There are indeed anti-waste tips for storing egg whites safely.
Here are 2 easy solutions for storing them:the fridge and the freezer . Watch:
Are you making a recipe and you have egg whites left?
The ideal is not to leave them at room temperature.
Once the egg is open, and the white is separated from the yolk, it must be stored quickly in the fridge.
For this, use a clean airtight container.
Pour the egg whites into it.
And above all, remember to stick a small label on the box.
Wondering why?
To mark the date and the number of egg whites stored in the box.
This will come in handy for making recipes using egg whites later.
If you need to keep a lot of egg whites, it is better to put them 2 by 2 in separate containers.
It's much more practical to make your recipes afterwards.
Don't have a plastic or glass storage box? Don't panic!
Take a simple bowl, put the egg whites in it. Cover everything with cling film. And stick your little label!
How to use them once out of the fridge?
It's very easy!
Just take them out a little in advance and leave at room temperature for a few minutes.
It may seem surprising, but you can freeze egg whites.
They are among the foods for which there are no contraindications to freezing.
Keeping your whites in the freezer is very practical.
It avoids throwing them away and we always have some on hand to make good recipes.
So how do you store them, you ask?
I share with you 3 effective grandmother's tricks for freezing egg whites.
- The first thing is to put them in an airtight box . A small label on it to mark the freezing date and the number of frozen egg whites... and voila!
- The second trick is to put them in a freezer bag . Same principle as the box!
We put the eggs in the bag, chase the air and put everything in the freezer.
And we do not forget to indicate the date of freezing and the number of frozen egg whites. !
- The third trick is really very smart. First freeze the egg whites separately.
You can put them in glass yoghurt pots or in ice cube trays . They are frozen like this.
And then to save space, you can transfer them all into a freezer bag.
How to use frozen egg whites?
To use them in a macaron recipe for example, it takes a bit of organization.
You have to take them out of the freezer and put them in the fridge the day before you want to make your recipe.
This is what Mercotte recommends in particular.
Thus, they will defrost quietly and naturally.
And that way, they will stay fresh. They are then used like fresh egg whites.
You can completely make your egg whites with a pinch of salt to make delicious meringues.
- If you have kept your egg whites in the fridge, you must respect the storage time.
Never exceed 4 days of storage in the refrigerator.
Beyond 4 days, your egg whites are no longer good.
Even if you have taken all the necessary precautions, you cannot keep them for more than 4 days.
And to be sure not to exceed this deadline, the small label with the date on it is very practical.
So if they've been in the fridge for 7 days, there's only one solution left:throw them in the trash.
Better to avoid putting the eggs in the compost. On the other hand, you can absolutely put the shells.
- Did you keep your egg whites in the freezer?
In that case, you have plenty of time.
Egg whites can be stored for up to 5 months in the freezer.
Very handy, isn't it?
You can know without too much difficulty if an egg is still good or if it has expired, thanks to this trick.
But how do you know if an egg white stored in the fridge is still good?
If you haven't stuck a label on the storage box, you risk forgetting when you put your egg whites in the fridge.
In this case, put them on a plate. And take a good look at their texture. It should be thick and gooey.
If it becomes liquid and spreads in the container, throw them away.
Generally speaking, if in doubt, it is better to get rid of it than to make yourself sick.