Today I explain how toeliminate as many pesticides on fruits and vegetables.
Because even if you put them in water to clean them, be sure that they remain loaded with harmful products!
There are even some residues of these poisons on organic products!
Fortunately, much less anyway, I assure you.
The best is obviously to grow your own fruits and vegetables. But that is not necessarily given to everyone.
Anyway, don't panic! Do not stop eating fruits and vegetables.
Fortunately, there are simple and natural solutions to get rid of these pesticides. Watch:
We all know that. Pesticides are widely used in modern agriculture.
And as long as our politicians don't intervene for reasons x or y, it's not going to stop...
Knowing this and before making the revolution, let's think about the possible alternatives.
First of all, we can try to eat more and more organic products.
Certainly, it is not given. But thanks to these tips and good habits, we can get by for much less.
You can also eat non-organic fruits and vegetables, but reducing pesticides as much as possible.
You just have to know how to wash them effectively so that they become as healthy as possible.
And to achieve this, apply the few grandmother's tips that I give you in this article.
They can decontaminate up to 70% of your fruits and vegetables and thus eat without pesticides or almost!
To remove pesticides, my techniques work miracles.
But for 12 of the most polluted fruits and vegetables, quite frankly, there's not much you can do.
Even washing them meticulously, they remain loaded with toxic substances.
Intensive agriculture does not forgive! Especially on certain fruits and vegetables that are more sensitive than others.
For example, strawberries from Spain... Even washed, I strongly advise against them...
In short, here are the 12 fruits and vegetables that contain the most pesticides:
Strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, celery, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.
Compared to other foods, these 12 products are the ones with the most pesticide residues.
But fortunately, there are also fruits and vegetables which are healthy even if they are not organic :
Avocado, pineapple, cabbage, sweet potato, onion, mango, asparagus, papaya, eggplant...
...kiwis, grapefruit, melons and sweet corn.
Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them is a good thing.
It eliminates a lot of impurities and chemicals.
It is especially important to do this if you have children who are particularly sensitive to these toxins.
Unfortunately, this is still insufficient to remove most pesticides.
Plant tissue remains impregnated with the most tenacious chemical substances.
There would be a solution, but it would be to peel all our fruits and vegetables.
This would deprive us of many of their benefits since the peel contains trace elements, nutrients and vitamins.
So, what solution should be adopted to reduce the pesticide load of non-organic fruits and vegetables?
Well, just follow the 5 tried and tested methods below.
They are even certified by the Center for Science and Environment!
Now let's take a closer look at the 5 effective tips for removing as many pesticides as possible from fruits and vegetables:
1st trick very simple to apply.
Soak your fruits and vegetables in a mixture of white vinegar and water.
The properties of white vinegar make it possible to remove a large part of the pesticides present on the peels.
In addition, for very polluted vegetables such as spinach or lettuce, white vinegar will destroy small insects.
In a container, pour 10 cl of white vinegar for 90 cl of water (or 10% vinegar for 90% water).
Immerse your fruits and vegetables in the mixture and leave to act for 15 to 20 minutes.
Take them out and wash them with clear water. All you have to do is dry them and you're done.
Click here to find out how to do it with a salad for example.
The white vinegar + baking soda mixture is super effective against most pesticides!
Want to know the explosive recipe?
In a container, mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 100 ml of white vinegar and 1 L of water.
Immerse your fruits and vegetables in it and leave to act for 30 min.
Wash them thoroughly in clean water and then dry them.
Note that baking soda can also be used alone. Check out the trick here.
Finally, if you want to eat an apple or something else quickly, rub them before with a little baking soda.
Then rinse the fruit. It is ready to be tasted.
Another alternative to get rid of pesticides on fruits and vegetables, that of using coarse salt.
Take a container and fill it with 1 L of water.
Add 4 tablespoons of coarse salt and stir a little.
Immerse your fruits and vegetables in this mixture, rubbing them with the solution.
Leave for 20 minutes in salt water then wash with clear water before drying.
Just like white vinegar, cider vinegar sanitizes fruits and vegetables.
In a container, pour 1 L of water and dissolve 250 ml of cider vinegar in it.
The dosage must always respect a ratio of 25% cider vinegar and 75% water.
Rub the fruits and vegetables in the solution then leave to act for 15 to 20 minutes.
All you have to do is rinse with clean water and dry.
White vinegar and lemon go together perfectly.
The combination of these 2 substances removes pesticides in depth.
Squeeze a lemon to obtain its juice and pour it into the tank of a 750 ml sprayer.
Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and fill the rest of the tank with water.
Shake and spray the solution on all your fruits and vegetables.
You just have to rub them a little before drying them with a clean towel.
Fruits or vegetables with thick skin must be treated differently.
We are talking, for example, about potatoes, cucumbers or apples.
For them, it is better :
- Leave them in the chosen solution for at least 30 min
- Take a vegetable brush to rub them into the mixture
Apply the 5 methods seen above as often as possible to make your fruits and vegetables healthier.
These tricks actually work on a wide range of fruits and vegetables.
From chicory to pomegranate and even persimmon.
However, these techniques cannot be applied to certain fragile or porous fruits .
This is the case, for example, with blueberries, raspberries and other similar berries.
There are also fruits with a very thin skin (strawberries...) which are real sponges.
So, no question of putting them in vinegar or leaving them too long in water.
These fruits are unfortunately the most loaded with pesticides, how to eat them healthily?
Well, there are not 36 solutions...
Either we buy them organic, or we pick them from the wild!
In both cases, you are a winner in terms of taste and especially in terms of health.