Want to keep your fruits and vegetables longer?
It's true that it's always annoying to have to throw away half of them, because they are rotten...
Especially when you see the price of organic fruits and vegetables... So stop the waste!
I'm showing you today my trick that I've been using for years to keep my fruit 3 times longer.
Thanks to this technique, I have been able to save hundreds of euros each year, because I no longer throw anything in the trash.
The simple and effective trick is to soak them in vinegar water before storing them . Watch:
- white vinegar
- hot water
- sink
1. Fill the sink with lukewarm water
2. Add 250 ml of white vinegar.
3. Immerse your fruits and vegetables in the vinegar water.
4. Stir the water gently in the sink with your hands.
5. Let stand 5 min and watch the impurities fall to the bottom of the sink.
6. Rinse with clear water.
7. Dry well and store as usual.
And There you go ! Your fruits and vegetables are rid of all their impurities and will keep 3 times longer :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more fruits that wither and rot in a few days. You will be able to enjoy it for almost another week!
It's more economical and really saves the mess.
When you see the impurities at the bottom of the sink, you better understand why fruit doesn't always keep well.
And we're glad we don't swallow that!
You can now store your fruit in the fridge or at room temperature as usual.
White vinegar purifies the skin of the fruit and rids it of bacteria and impurities.
Thus, the fruit will not rot and its lifespan is extended by several days or even weeks in some cases.
This trick works with all fruits like apple, pear, clementine, tangerine, apricot, peach, mango, raspberry, blueberry, grape, strawberry, cherry, orange, etc. .
But also all vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, asparagus, aubergines, chard, turnips, carrots, celery, mushrooms, lettuce, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, zucchini, endives, spinach, fennel, etc.