Your lasagna is too runny?
And they fall apart when you serve them on the plate?
Not very presentable especially if you have guests...
So what can you do to make lasagna stick together?
An Italian cook gave me his trick to make my lasagna never runny again.
The simple and effective trick is to add a beaten egg in the preparation of the sauce . Watch:
- tomato sauce
- 1 egg
- salad bowl
1. Prepare your lasagna noodles as usual.
2. In the salad bowl, put the tomato sauce.
3. Crack an egg into the bowl.
4. Beat the tomato and the egg to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
5. Make your lasagna with your filling as usual.
And There you go ! Thanks to this trick, your lasagna will never be liquid again :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more liquid lasagna after cooking!
And it works for lasagna with meat, but also with spinach, cream or salmon.
The egg associated with the sauce gives a more solid consistency to the lasagna.
As it cooks, it thickens the sauce or cream so that it is less runny.
Even if the tomato sauce is very liquid and gives off water once in the oven, the beaten egg will avoid the fiasco of lasagna swimming in the dish.