How many times can I reuse frying oil before she gets bad?
Besides, can we really reuse it?
So many questions that everyone is asking!
Some explain that it is possible and without health concerns, while others say just the opposite.
Well my cook friend told me all about it.
It is perfectly possible to fry food in oil that has already been used, but under certain conditions...
Find out how to reuse frying oil without harming your health . Watch:
As I told you above, there is no need to change the frying oil after each use.
Catering professionals indicate, for example, that a good oil can be used 5 times in a row before being changed.
The UFC Que Choisir even indicates that the oil can be used ten times! That's telling you.
So no need to buy liters after each frying.
The oil can be used several times in a row without any problem.
And that's rather good news for our wallet.
Even if the oil can be used several times, you must always remain vigilant about its appearance and texture.
Because some signs do not deceive.
They are the ones who determine when it is no longer good and when it is imperative to change it.
Pay close attention to these signs, because very used oil contains a lot of harmful substances.
I am thinking, for example, of oil, which has a very brown color and is very viscous.
Or an oil that smells bad and gives off a lot of smoke when hot.
If you see this kind of thing appearing, it's time to change it.
Be aware that there are also frying oil testers.
So it's quite expensive, but it saves you from throwing away the oil prematurely while it's still good.
Used oil can be very toxic to our health.
Because as it is used, the oil loses quality.
First consequence, that of giving bad taste to your fried food.
Well you will tell me so far nothing serious. No immediate impact on our health.
The tricky part is when the oil contains more than 25% of polar compounds.
To put it simply, you should know that the more you use an oil, the more it is loaded with harmful substances.
So at first these harmful substances are quite weak. So no problem.
But after several uses, the oil begins to become more and more toxic.
This is where the regulations come into play vis-à-vis the famous 25% I told you about above.
The harmfulness of the oil must not exceed this rate otherwise there are serious health risks.
I'm talking about indigestion or diarrhea.
But also and above all the fact that these substances are potentially carcinogenic!
You don't get cancer right away, but in the medium and long term, it increases the risks...
There is a golden rule for keeping frying oil as long as possible.
It is necessary to take one that has a high resistance to heat.
In this regard, I will immediately kill a myth about olive oil.
It is very good for health it is true; but not at all suitable for frying.
When it heats up too much, it releases toxic substances.
To make your frying, buy "special frying" oils, vegan, lard or vegetable oils instead.
They are widely reusable and better withstand high temperatures, especially peanut oil.
Another thing to keep your oil longer:
Do not heat it too high.
Not more than 190° anyway. Otherwise, you risk making it toxic very very quickly.
Conversely, do not heat it below 160°, otherwise the food will take longer to heat up.
Suddenly, they are soaked in oil and become very very greasy.
Also be careful not to saturate your oil with water.
It makes it foam and accelerates its degradation.
If you are making fries, for example, absorb the humidity well with kitchen paper or a tea towel.
Finally, remember to clean and filter your oil after each use.
For that, nothing very complicated. Just use these tips.
These grandmother's tricks allow you to absorb impurities and recover a very clean oil.
For filtration, use a fine-mesh strainer, coffee filter or paper towel.
Finally, once cleaned and filtered, we avoid leaving the oil in the fryer.
In any case, it is not left for more than 3 weeks without use (and well covered hermetically).
The best way to store it is to keep it in a plastic bottle (the original one, for example).
Place the bottle in the fridge until next use.
Well, even if you now know that frying oil can be reused, unfortunately it does not last forever.
At some point, it needs to be replaced and the old one thrown away.
Do you know how to do it ? No?
Before telling you how, I remind you that it is forbidden to throw your old oil in the toilet or in the sink!
It is obviously very bad ecologically speaking and it can also clog the pipes.
No, what you have to do is pour it into a container and bring it back to the recycling center.
If this is not possible and as a last resort, throw it away with non-recyclable waste.