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The Cheapest Leek Quiche in the World.

The Cheapest Leek Quiche in the World.

In the evening, we often have little time to cook.

Fortunately, there are still easy-to-make homemade quiche recipes.

They are delicious and very economical.

I don't know about you, but me, in the evening, a quiche with a salad, I love it.

Here is the recipe for the cheapest leek quiche in the world.

And the good news...

It's that everyone will have fun! Watch:

The Cheapest Leek Quiche in the World.


For 4 people - Preparation time: 5 min - Cooking time: 40 mins

- 1 shortcrust pastry (you can make it yourself)

- 500g leeks

- 100 g of plain or smoked bacon, according to your taste

- 3 eggs

- 20 cl of liquid cream

- nutmeg

- salt, pepper

How to

1. Clean and cut your leeks into rings.

2. While they drip, roll out your shortcrust pastry in a pie dish.

3. Place your leeks and bacon on it.

4. Mix the cream and the eggs.

5. Salt and pepper this mixture. Add a little nutmeg if desired. Be careful, smoked bacon bits are saltier than "plain" ones.

6. Pour your egg cream mixture over the leeks and bacon bits.

7. Bake in a hot oven (180° th. 6 approximately) for 30 to 40 min.


There you go, your leek quiche is ready :-)

Bonus tip

You can serve with your quiche a salad with garlic croutons and a few tomato wedges.

If you prefer something heartier, make steamed potatoes instead.

Your turn...

Have you tried this recipe for an economical evening meal? Tell us in comments if you liked it. We can't wait to read you!