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Soft and Inexpensive:My Tasty Vendée Brioche!

Soft and Inexpensive:My Tasty Vendée Brioche!

A soft and melting crumb from the first bite…

My tasty Vendée brioche is inexpensive. And it is simply delicious to accompany your breakfasts and snacks.

What more could you ask for?

Originally from Charente-Maritime, the Vendée brioche accompanied many of my meals when I was growing up.

Grilled and eaten with a knob of butter, or plain with a spoonful of jam, I still feel its tantalizing scent tickling my nostrils.

Soft and Inexpensive:My Tasty Vendée Brioche!


For 10 people

- 500 g of flour

- 200 g of butter

- 250 g of sugar

- 3 eggs

- 1 egg yolk

- 10 g of yeast

- 10 cl of milk

- 25 cl of lukewarm water

- Salt

How to

Preparation:15 mins – Cooking:30 mins

1. I pour the flour on my work surface.

2. I mix the yeast in 25 cl of warm water and pour this preparation into the fountain that I dug in the middle of the flour.

3. I add 3 whole eggs, the sugar and a pinch of salt.

4. I knead everything to obtain a very smooth and not too soft dough.

5. I add the milk.

6. I knead the butter separately, add a third of my dough to it and mix well to obtain a homogeneous dough.

7. I add the rest of my dough to my butter in half.

8. I let it rest two hours , covered with a clean cloth in a sufficiently warm place (25°) so that it rises.

9. I preheat my oven to 180°.

10. I butter a mold and fill it with the dough.

11. With the tip of a knife, I draw diamond shapes on top and glaze with beaten egg yolk using a brush.

12. I bake for 30 min.

13. I let it rest before tasting!


There you go, you have prepared a delicious homemade and economical brioche :-)

Simple, economical and delicious!

This homemade brioche can be eaten as a snack as well as for breakfast.

In any case, it's a treat!

My bonus tip

I also sometimes add a tablespoon of orange blossom in my preparation to delicately flavor my brioche.

How long can I keep it?

My homemade brioche, wrapped in a plastic bag, will keep for a fortnight.

But be careful, so that it does not harden and crust on the surface, I place it in a bag within 3 hours of taking it out of the oven.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's recipe to make your brioche? Tell us in comments if you liked it. We can't wait to read you!