You want a good, cheap and easy to prepare recipe for this evening ?
And what's more, you can flavor it according to your tastes!
Follow my tasty yogurt cake recipe to cook a good dessert in 1 hour.
Here are the ingredients for 4 people taking the measurements in a yogurt pot .
Preparation and baking of the cake in just 1h .
- ½ pot of yogurt with olive oil
- 3 pots of flour yogurt
- 2 pots of sugar yogurt
- ½ packet of yeast
- 1 plain yogurt
- 10 g of butter
- 2 eggs
Make your dessert a success in just 5 steps :
1. Preheat the oven to 220° or thermostat 7.
2. Beat the eggs in a bowl.
3. Mix the yogurt, flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and olive oil in a bowl.
4. Pour the batter into a buttered pan.
5. Bake for 50 min .
There you go, your yoghurt cake is already ready to be devoured :-)
Simple, fast andeconomical !
You don't have to be a master baker to make this snack a success.
This is a super easy recipe to make. In fact, it is almost unmissable !
So don't hesitate to get started!
Plus, kids usually love to help make this cake.
Especially to lick the dish at the end;-)
Instead of buying cakes in a bakery or in a supermarket for your children...
The smart idea is to cook a good yogurt cake at home.
Food is one of the most important budgets.
By cooking to save money , you're doing good for your bank account while having fun.
To vary the pleasures, this recipe can be garnished with leftover fruit, chocolate or any other ingredient you have left in your fridge.