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My Salty Tiramisu Recipe:Easy, Tasty and Cheap.

My Salty Tiramisu Recipe:Easy, Tasty and Cheap.

Did you know that tiramisu can also be served salty?

Did you know that its preparation costs almost nothing?

Follow the chef for an easy to make and very tasty starter!

The other day I was invited to dinner at a neighbor of Italian origin.

Giancarlo, his name was. I arrive, I get to know each other, I sit down at the table, until then everything was normal.

Until our host shows up with a plate full of strange multicolored cakes.

"Do you start with the sweet?" I ask him. "No, that my friend, it's salty tiramisouuouou!" he answers me by combing his mustache.

I ate his salty tiramisu, and I can tell you that today I couldn't get over it:a treat!

So, I thought I'd share the recipe with you, plus it's ultra economical, which doesn't spoil anything.


Salted tiramisu can be prepared with different ingredients:camembert, ham, salmon...

It's more or less up to you, let's say. I decided to tell you about the recipe for the famous Giancarlo:the tomato/basil tiramisu.

Here are the ingredients for 4 people:

- 20 grams of liquid cream

- 5-6 basil leaves

- 100 grams of mascarpone (Galbani brand for example, from the cheese section of your supermarket)

- 100 grams of whipped cream

- 3 tomatoes

- some bacon bits

Voila, now you are ready to prepare the tiramisu . Here we go!

How to

1. I first mix the basil leaves with the liquid cream. Then I pour into a container and add the mascarpone. Finally I mix everything well as it should, with a whisk.

2. I salt and I pepper.

3. I whip the liquid cream and add it to the mascarpone/basil mixture.

4. I leave it all in the fridge, about 2 hours.

5. I'm going to read a book in the meantime.

6. Two hours and thirty pages later, I put the tomatoes in small verrines or clean yoghurt pots, I make a small rosette of mousse with the preparation taken out of the fridge and I add a few pan-fried bacon bits and a basil leaf to make pretty.

7. My glasses are ready. If my guests haven't arrived, I can keep them in the fridge.

And There you go ! In less than 2 hours we made a thunderous aperitif , which few people know and which will delight all our guests.

And you ? What are your secret and inexpensive recipes for the aperitif? Tell me everything in the comments, cooking friends!

Savings achieved

Rather than serving Belin Crackers, crisps and peanuts to your guests, take advantage of their visit to impress their eyes and taste buds for much less than industrial products.

The cream costs €1.50, the basil 50 cents, the mascarpone €2.50, the whipped cream around €2, the tomatoes €1.50 and the bacon €1.50.

There you go, for less than 10€, treat your guests to a super original recipe . Thank you, dear Giancarlo!

A classic entry sometimes costs up to €15/€20 per person, here you can easily save €5.

I, for example, receive friends at home at least once a month. So over a year that's almost €60 saved: Not bad is not it ? Especially since they enjoyed themselves!