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A filling breakfast

Some people don't think about breakfast in the morning. Nevertheless, you can 'train' yourself to eat more and more in the morning and once you succeed, it is best to opt for a filling breakfast.

'I can't manage to eat breakfast '
British research has shown that half of people regularly skip breakfast. We collected the most common excuses to skip breakfast and of course we also have the solutions.

Start small
Don't immediately prepare an extensive breakfast for yourself, but start with something small that you can easily get rid of, such as a cracker, breakfast drink, yogurt or fruit.

Go for filling
Once you manage to have breakfast, you can expand your breakfast. It is wise to choose a breakfast that is filling. Choose products with ingredients that are not digested too quickly, such as fiber and protein. It is healthy and prevents you from feeling hungry again soon.

Eat immediately after getting up
Get used to eating your breakfast as soon as possible after getting up. This is how your metabolism gets started. In addition, you prevent yourself from indulging in unhealthy snacks or breakfasts before breakfast.

Take our test and find out which breakfast suits you>>

Source:Fitsugar | Image:Shutterstock