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Start your morning with BelVita

Advertorial – Almost everyone knows that it is important to have breakfast, yet one in three Dutch people skip breakfast at least once a week. Santé's web editor Shirley belongs to this group and took up the challenge to have breakfast with BelVita Breakfast.

What does BelVita Breakfast promise?
BelVita Breakfast is a new breakfast biscuit. It is part of a balanced breakfast, useful when you are in a hurry, with the carbohydrates released slowly over four hours. This gives you energy all morning*. For a balanced breakfast, combine BelVita with fruit and yogurt.

My BelVita Experience

Shirley: Sometimes I skip breakfast because I have to hop on my bike to catch my train. More often it is my lack of appetite that I give in to. While as web editor of Santé I know how important it is to fuel my body after eight hours without food. BelVita Breakfast helped me this week with my New Year's resolution:skipping breakfast less often.

Start your morning with BelVita

Quick breakfast
BelVita's cookies don't remind me of breakfast, more of a cookie for tea. Perhaps that is precisely what makes this breakfast so appealing. It may be a quick breakfast, but it also feels a bit luxurious that I can have breakfast with cookies. I can easily get them off because of the sweet taste. If I need a little more time to choose an outfit or to get hungry for breakfast, I put a pack of BelVita in my bag.

Skip if…
It is best to skip BelVita if you like a hearty breakfast. I would also skip BelVita on the weekend, then you have time for an extensive breakfast.

Recommended if…
In my case, BelVita Breakfast is a godsend during the week. I now have a pack of my favorite variant in my desk drawer at the editorial office:BelVita Breakfast Cranberry.

BelVita Breakfast is available in 5 flavours:Cranberry, Milk &Granan, Multigrain and two types of sandwiches:Yogurt and Yogurt Strawberry. Recommended retail price:€2.39.

Start your morning with BelVita

* belVita breakfast biscuits are rich in slowly digestible starch which is slowly released after digestion. Consumption of products with a high content of slowly digestible starch raises blood glucose levels less after a meal than products with a low content of slowly digestible starch.

Start your morning with BelVita Start your morning with BelVita