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Macaroons parfait recipe

Macaroons parfait recipe

Do you already know which dessert to put on the table during the holidays? Maybe this macaroon parfait is a good idea.

Preparation time:15 minutes
Preparation time:15 minutes
Waiting time:12 hours
Recipe for 6 people


  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 jar of Delizia di miele con Pesca
  • 4 dl whipped cream
  • 120 g Amaretti biscuits
  • 100 ml Amaretto
  • 60 ml Vincotto Vinegar Fig
  • 50 g dried figs
  • ½ jar of Pumpkin &Walnut Jam

Getting started
Crumble the Amaretti. Preferably in uneven pieces, because this gives the parfait a bite. Store the crumbs in the freezer. Whip the cream until it is slightly firmer than yogurt thickness and store it in the refrigerator.

Mix the eggs with the sugar and honey. Beat this au bain marie until it is nice and airy. Remove from the heat and beat a little more until it is almost white in color. Then carefully mix the whipped cream through the mixture and at the very last moment add the crumbled amaretti, except for a few crumbs. Keep these crumbs aside for garnish. Pour the mixture into a baking pan and let it set in the freezer for at least 12 hours.

Boil the Amaretto until the alcohol has evaporated and then add the fig vinegar. Cut the figs into small pieces and let them cook until they are soft. Then let it cool down for a while.

Cut the parfait into slices and serve on a plate. Decorate each slice with the fig amaretto mixture and some Pumpkin &Walnut Jam on top. Finish with the remaining cookie crumbs.

Recipe and image:Oil &Vinegar