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13 products you don't need to keep in the fridge

13 products you don t need to keep in the fridge

A cool temperature ensures that bacteria spread less quickly and that your food stays good for longer. However, it is better to keep some ingredients outside the refrigerator.

1. Potatoes

The refrigerator affects the taste of potatoes. Store potatoes cool and dark in a paper case. You can store most varieties that way for about three weeks.

2. Bread

Bread dries out in the fridge. Store the bread you eat quickly at room temperature. You can freeze the rest.

Read also: 10 products that you can just keep in the freezer

3. Onions

You can keep onions in your kitchen cupboard. Do not put them next to the potatoes, as this can cause onions to rot.

4. Tomatoes

The cold does not benefit the taste of tomatoes.

5. Coffee beans

Condensation can affect the taste of coffee beans. Store coffee beans in an airtight container outside the refrigerator.

6. Basil

Basil will keep longer if you place the stems in a glass of water on the counter. You can also freeze basil, but the leaves will be less attractive and firm after thawing.

7. Avocado

Many avocados are not yet ready to eat when you buy them. Avocados ripen much less quickly in the fridge.

Read also: 3 ways to store half an avocado

8. Pumpkin

A pumpkin will keep for about two months in a cool, dry place.

9. Honey

Honey has a long life. There is no need to keep your jar in the fridge. As soon as honey starts to crystallize you can place the jar in warm water until the honey melts.

10. Melon

The taste and antioxidants are best kept outside the fridge.

11. Bananas

You can put ripe bananas in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process. The skin will brown faster in the fridge, but your banana will remain edible.

12. Tropical fruits

Pineapple, papaya, mango… They are all fruits that grow in a warm climate. In your home, these fruits do not need cold. It is therefore better to store at room temperature.

13. Grapes

Grapes keep well on the counter for a few days. Are the grapes already very ripe and/or do you want to keep them fresh for longer? Then it's better to put them in the fridge.