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Even after the Week without meat:stay kind to your health and our planet

Even after the Week without meat:stay kind to your health and our planet

And? How was the Week Without Meat? Did you participate or did it make you think again? If you choose a lifestyle with less meat, it is not only good for your health, but also for our planet! There is nothing difficult about that nowadays. You can simply start small by replacing meat one day a week for a more sustainable product.

Many people don't think they can do without a piece of meat, because they like it so much, but also because they need a lot of protein due to intensive exercise, for example. But many studies show that intensive meat production is harmful to our planet due to, for example, all the animal feed that triggers deforestation, the enormous water consumption and, of course, often the animal suffering. Also, too much meat is not healthy for you. The Dutch now know that too; That is why 34% of us recently indicated that they wanted to cut back on meat this year*. Apparently we want to do something about it by adjusting our meat lifestyle.

Replacing meat for a more sustainable, tasty product

Meat is delicious for many and it is hard to imagine life without it from the daily menu. But if you just replace that tasty bite, texture and taste with something natural? And just start small by replacing your meat for a more sustainable product on a fixed day of the week? Then you will be even healthier and the earth a lot happier!

That is why Quorn, one of the food brands that has been committed to making the planet healthier since the 1970s, calls on all Dutch people to replace meat every Friday with a more sustainable product. Quorn had already discovered a new type of protein for their products:mycoprotein. This is a natural fungal organism that exceeds the properties of animal and even vegetable proteins. In addition, it is also rich in fiber. And because hardly any agricultural land or irrigation water is needed for mycoprotein, up to 90% less is used compared to beef production. A really good alternative to put on the menu at least once a week.

Because if we can all do that together, you can help our planet with every bite! Together we make a difference, not through great deeds, but through small changes, at mealtimes, for example on Friday. After all, that is the day when you can relax after a busy week and have the peace and time to think more about your own health and that of the planet. And to talk about it at the table with your friends; because you will see, everyone is working on this… some are still in their heads and others are already cooking.

Put Meat Free Friday on the agenda (and win)!

So put Meat Free Friday on the agenda, so that we can all make it a national custom. Eat whatever you want, but just replace your meat with a more sustainable product. A vegan nugget instead of the bitterbal, vegetarian mincemeat through the lasagna, or a spicy wrap with the texture and taste you are used to, but with Quorn pieces. This is how we help our planet with every bite.

Do you want to get more inspiration for meat-free and sustainable products? Then click on the button below. And while you're there, have a chance to win a complete Quorn banquet package to enjoy with your family or friends!

* Source:Nature and Environment

– This article is a collaboration with Quorn –