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6 products that add unnecessary sugar to your breakfast

6 products that add unnecessary sugar to your breakfast

Do you want to cut back on sugar? These 6 products add unnecessary sugar to your breakfast and it is therefore better to replace it.

Is breakfast your favorite meal of the day? Can you really enjoy your morning routine and look forward to your delicious breakfast? Chances are you don't realize that many of the sugars you ingest every day are already hidden in your breakfast. We therefore discuss 6 products that ensure that your sugar levels skyrocket during breakfast.

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1. Coffee

Unless you drink your coffee black, chances are you are ingesting sugar with your morning cup of coffee. A study in Public Health found that nearly 68 percent of coffee drinkers drink their coffee with some additive, such as sugar or another sweetener. In fact, more than 60% of the calories in coffee are due to added sugar. Products such as creamer quickly provide 5 grams of added sugar per cup of coffee. It is therefore better to opt for milk if you do not want to drink your coffee black. Soy and nut milks also often contain hidden added sugars, which can quickly add up to 7 grams of added sugar per cup of coffee. So opt for unsweetened variants and stick to the portion size to avoid too much sugar in your coffee.

2. Prepackaged oatmeal

Bad news for oat eaters:prepackaged oatmeal is often packed with added sugar. A packet can already contain up to 11 grams of sugar, often with only a few grams coming from natural sugars. Of course it is very easy to opt for instant oats, but it is therefore better for you to opt for fiber-rich oat flakes and give them more flavor yourself. For example, you can add a protein powder or linseed to give them more body and use fruit, such as apple or banana, to add some sweetness.

3. Yogurt with a taste

Yogurt is an easy and quick breakfast that you can also take with you. But if you're not careful, you'll ingest more sugar than you think. "Regular" yogurt may be a bit boring, but flavored yogurt can quickly contain 22 grams of sugar per serving. Therefore, opt for an option with a high protein content and a low sugar content, such as Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Do you still miss a little taste? Top your yogurt with some fresh blueberries or raspberries.

4. Bread

Perhaps that toasted bread in the morning is not a good idea after all. A slice of bread often contains more sugar than you think. Sugar is often added to bread to give it a better taste and texture. Yes, even multigrain bread. Now you don't have to give up your sandwich in the morning, because bread contains good fiber, which keeps your blood sugar level stable. How can you keep your sugar intake under control? Take one slice instead of two and top it with sugar-free nut butter or some avocado slices.

5. Fruit juice

A glass of orange juice is of course delicious – especially in the morning – but we all know that such a juice is packed with sugar. This does not necessarily have to be added sugars, because fresh fruit juices also contain a lot of natural sugars, sometimes more than 25 grams. Of course there are also many important vitamins and minerals in a juice, but often after pressing the juice mainly sugar remains and you do not notice much of the fiber that is in fruit. What's the best thing to do? Drink no more than 120 milliliters of juice a day and eat some nuts or a little cheese with it to prevent your blood sugar level from hitting a huge spike.

6. Granola

Not only oatmeal often contains added sugar, granola also often contains hidden sugars. Granola is often made with ingredients like cane sugar and honey to give it extra flavor and texture. What is the best thing to do if you like breakfast with granola? Opt for an option with less sugar and add protein powder and nuts and seeds. As a result, you digest your breakfast less quickly and your blood sugar level remains stable. Sprinkle a little over your Greek yogurt and you have a delicious breakfast without too much sugar.
