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Everyone in the kitchen:here is the recipe for the succulent gingerbread, orange zest, by Cyril Lignac ("It's soft and fragrant, it's a delight!")

How to combat that sweet honey flavor, but that said why fight. No, the time has come in this month of January that this damn pandemic makes it gloomy to treat yourself to this gourmet pleasure that is gingerbread. And that's good, Cyril Lignac has just given the recipe on Friday January 8 in the show Tous en cuisine on M6.

Gingerbread, orange zest, by Cyril Lignac, the winter comfort cake!

A cake that is clearly displayed as the comfort cake of confinement and more generally of winter. This thanks to the almost orgasmic marriage of flavors it offers. Because in addition to honey, chef Lignac makes it with orange and lemon zest and the pulp of a vanilla pod. Results ? Taste buds in turmoil and a stomach that begs for more.

Tasted as a snack or at breakfast for the sweet version, or combined with savory (foie gras, cheese, etc.), a one thing is certain, Cyril Lignac's gingerbread, orange zest, will delight the whole family!

All in the kitchen:here's how to make Cyril Lignac's gingerbread, orange zest!


  • Preparation time:20 minutes
  • Marinating time:20 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people
  • 200g of water
  • 90g of sugar
  • 200g of honey + 25g of honey for the finish
  • 10g untreated lemon zest
  • 10g untreated orange zest
  • the pulp of a vanilla pod
  • 3g gingerbread spices
  • 200g of flour
  • 1 tbsp. baking powder
  • 10g baking soda
  • 1 pinch of fine salt
  • 140g of butter + 10g of butter for the mould
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • Boil the water with the sugar and honey. Add the lemon and orange zest, vanilla and spices.
  • In a bowl, pour the flour with the baking powder, baking soda, fine salt and mix.
  • Gradually pour in the syrup while continuing to stir.
  • Melt the butter, add it to the preparation.
  • Pour into the buttered mold.
  • Bake for 20 minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, leave to cool in the mold and brush with melted honey. When the gingerbread is cold, unmold it.