Family Best Time >> Food

Everyone in the kitchen:soft and melting, we definitely love Cyril Lignac's ham and cheese omelet


  • Preparation time:10 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people
  • 12 eggs
  • 5cl of water
  • 2 slices of white ham, cubed
  • 100g of grated cheese
  • 10g of butter
  • Fine salt and pepper
  • In a bowl, break the eggs, pour in the water, beat with a fork. Season with salt and pepper. In a cold skillet, place the butter, let it melt, pour the eggs, leave without touching over medium heat until the eggs cook on the edges. Using a spatula, start to lightly stir the middle of the omelet, bringing the eggs from the bottom to the top for a few seconds. Sprinkle with grated cheese and add the ham.
  • Fold the omelet (handle side of the pan outward) to make a crescent-shaped roll. If you prefer a very runny omelet, stop cooking, otherwise continue for a few minutes. An omelet should generally be white when cooked, but you can brown it for more indulgence.
  • Invert the omelette in a long dish, accompany it with grated cheese on top, mushrooms or fried potatoes.