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Cyril Lignac's lemon tart:his "ultra-easy" and absolutely delicious recipe ("It's so soft and moist!")

The lemon pie is clearly our favorite pie. Tart and sweet at the same time , this dessert offers our taste buds and therefore our whole being a real moment of indulgence. So with this in mind to shiver with pleasure and because spring is beginning, today we invite you to (re)discover the recipe for Cyril Lignac's lemon pie.

Cyril Lignac's lemon tart:a pure delight that's very easy to make!

A recipe that the favorite chef of the French had delivered to viewers of the show Tous en cuisine on M6 on August 31. If in its unfolding, it can appear a bit complicated, rest assured it is not! Indeed, the greedy and crunchy promised by chef Lignac does not require having golden fingers and an empirical knowledge of pastry; just the will to do well will allow you in just 25 minutes to sit down in front of this miracle of gluttony that is Cyril Lignac's lemon tart, enjoy your meal!

Here's how to make Cyril Lignac's lemon tart (Tous en cuisine)!


Preparation time:20 minutes
Cooking time:5 minutes
Recipe for 4 people

Tart base:
• 300g white chocolate
• 290g lace crêpes
• 25g butter

Creamy Lemon:
• 2 eggs (150g of eggs)
• 150g of sugar
• 1 lemon zest
• 120g of lemon juice
• 1 leaf of gelatin (previously immersed in a bath of cold water 20 minutes before the start of the recipe)
• 225g cold butter, cut into small cubes

• 1 lemon
• 1 plain cooked meringue (optional)


  • In a bowl, crumble the lace crêpes, add the previously melted butter-white chocolate mixture and mix. Pour into the bottom of the mold or the pie ring already placed in the serving dish. Form an even and smooth pie crust using a small angled spatula. Place the plate in the freezer while you prepare the lemon cream.
  • In a saucepan, combine the eggs, sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. Heat gently without boiling and while whisking. The mixture is very delicate because the eggs must not cook in an omelet. Remove from the heat, add the gelatin sheet, mix again, leave to cool while mixing in a bowl filled with ice cubes, the temperature will drop more quickly.
  • Remove the bowl from the bowl of ice cubes, the mixture should be lukewarm. Add the cubes of butter and start mixing, the butter will soak up the cream, lightening and gaining volume. Blend for 3 minutes. Reserve the cream in the fridge.
  • Remove the circle of tart from the freezer, coat with lemon cream or form balls of lemon cream using a piping bag fitted with a plain tip. Grate a little lemon zest a minute.
    If you like, you can also grate a little meringue.

Here is the recipe for the divine crispy chocolate hazelnut mousse by Cyril Lignac ("It's the best mousse I've ever eaten")

Madeleines by Cyril Lignac:his easy recipe for tasty, soft and light madeleines! ("They are divinely good")

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