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Cyril Lignac's strawberry rolled biscuit:an easy and absolutely delicious recipe ("Attention pure delight!")

May 13, 2020 on the show Tous en cuisine broadcast on M6, Cyril Lignac gave his recipe for a strawberry rolled biscuit filled with light whipped cream; a year later at a time when this tasty fruit adorns the stalls of our greengrocers, getting into the kitchen to make this cake that is so gourmet, so fruity and fresh as we like them is definitely a good idea. Because it is an understatement to say that a soft biscuit topped with strawberry jam, which encloses a light whipped cream and sun-drenched strawberries, all of this simply borders on pure delight.

Here's how to make Cyril Lignac's strawberry rolled biscuit!


  • Preparation time:15 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 135g of sugar
  • 85g of sugar
  • 4 egg whites
  • 85g flour
  • 5g of butter
  • 125g mascarpone
  • 25cl full cream 35%
  • 65g of sugar
  • 90g of strawberry purée
  • 300g of fresh strawberries
  • 1 jar of strawberry jam


  • 1 baking sheet + 1 sheet of silicone or parchment paper + 1 angled spatula
  • 1 salad bowl + 1 hand mixer
  • 1 salad bowl + 1 whisk
  • 1 salad bowl + 1 spatula
  • 1 rack + 1 saucepan + 1 whisk + 1 brush


  • Preheat the oven to 210°C.
  • In a salad bowl, beat the yolks with the whole eggs and the 135g of ribbon sugar, add the flour to the spatula, set aside.
  • In a second bowl, beat the 85g of sugar with the egg whites until they form a bird's beak.
  • Gently mix the two devices together.
  • Pour onto a buttered silicone rimmed baking sheet or onto a buttered silicone sheet placed on a baking sheet.
  • Spread lightly to even out the biscuit. Bake for 5 minutes.
  • In a bowl, pour the mascarpone, soften it with the liquid cream and the sugar, then beat with the hand mixer to whipped cream. Gently add the strawberry purée. Book.
  • At the end of cooking, unmold the biscuit upside down on a damp cloth, cut the edges into a rectangle. Spread strawberry whipped cream without crushing it and add diced strawberries. Roll up the biscuit and place it on a wire rack.
  • Pour the jam into a saucepan, heat it slightly. Brush the jam over the biscuit. Refrigerate for ½ hour for the glaze to cool then serve in slices.