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Pizza:15 recipe ideas that are very easy to make and absolutely delicious!

Right now our only comfort (or almost) is food. After going through pasta dishes, soups or vegetable gratins, we want to try something else. And why not a good pizza ? But not just any. A homemade and what is more is a very greedy one. To do this, the choice is wide. There is of course the famous four cheese pizza but luckily it's not the only one:squash and gorgonzola pizza, goat cheese, honey and nut pizza, creamy salmon pizza... A whole host of flavors, sweet and savory, go very well on pizza dough . And no need to be equipped like a real pizza maker. A simple traditional oven and even a frying pan will do the trick.

The skillet pizza recipe will seduce more than one

The proof is, pizza in the pan is one of the latest culinary trends who buzz on the Web. Yes you read correctly it is quite possible to make a pizza without an oven. This recipe is simple and unmissable . Simply make your own pizza dough, or buy a ready-made one. Place it in a hot pan, with a little olive oil, and heat it on both sides for ten minutes, covered and over low heat. Then, add your ingredients, for some you have previously browned them before. A few ideas:parcel of tomatoes, Paris mushrooms, diced pepper, mozzarella, Provencal herbs, salt and pepper. Results ? A delicious and quick to make pizza .

Discover our 15 pizza recipe ideas in our slideshow.

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