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Gluten-free recipe chocolate muffins, delicious and easy to make yourself

Recently my son Ravi turned 7 years old. He wanted to bake something delicious with chocolate and of course I went along with that! While searching my website, his eye quickly fell on the gluten-free recipe chocolate muffins. A childishly simple recipe, so a good choice for the little big man!

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Gluten-free chocolate muffins recipe

These chocolate muffins are gluten free because they are made from coconut flour. This is the dried flesh of the coconut. You need very little of it and your baking will dry quite quickly if you use too much, so pay attention to that. Not only with this recipe chocolate muffins, but also if you try something else yourself 😉 . It is for sale at the larger supermarket or health food store and of course also online. Here you will find various types of coconut flour.

Why a gluten-free recipe for the muffins?

We avoid processed products at home as much as possible. That means we usually eat pure and fresh. So no packets and bags and less sugar, for example. I prefer to use coconut blossom sugar, honey or thick juice as a sweetener in dishes. And that works fine.

This gluten-free chocolate muffin recipe makes about 12 small cakes. You don't need a food processor or mixer. Also vary by adding coconut or nuts to the batter!

Read also: Treatment cupcake in the shape of ice creams

Recipe for gluten-free chocolate muffins

Anyway, my son chose chocolate muffins for this recipe because he knows how delicious they are 😉 . And on top of that, they're easy to make, which we moms love, right?

Ingredients gluten-free recipe chocolate muffins

  • 40 grams coconut flour
  • 70 grams coconut blossom sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 20 grams of cocoa
  • 60 grams of coconut oil
  • half teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa nibs

How do you make the chocolate muffins with this gluten-free recipe?

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Prepare a baking pan with the muffin tins in it. Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix them together.

Melt the coconut oil, beat the eggs in another bowl and add the melted coconut oil. Carefully fold the contents of both bowls together.

Pour the batter into the cake tins and bake the chocolate muffins in 15 minutes! Enjoy your meal!

Read also: a somewhat unhealthier variant, but ready in 7 minutes, this chocolate cake recipe