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Cyril Lignac's banana cake:a tasty and really comforting recipe!

We are not going to lie to each other, it has been several months now that pastry has become a safe haven to counter the gloom imposed on us by this damn pandemic. Even if it means succumbing to the sin of gluttony, you might as well do things well. And to help us make the best dishes possible, we can count on a man who signs his name on the tip of his spatula with an L which stands for Lignac.

Cyril Lignac's banana cake:the comfort cake of confinement!

The favorite chef of the French who we know, officiated from March 2020 on M6 in the show Tous en cuisine where every evening he offered, to millions of French people, precious advice to excite the taste buds. This is how on Monday, October 5, he gave his recipe for the banana cake, a cake whose softness and banana flavor obviously but also slightly lemony had won the support of the faithful of the show. You share it seems to us a good thing to put good and beautiful in this pandemic spring.

Here's how to make Cyril Lignac's very tasty and easy-to-make banana cake!

  • Preparation time:10 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people
INGREDIENTS Caramelized bananas:
  • 1.5 peeled bananas
  • 5g of butter
  • 15g of sugar
The cake batter:
  • 2.5 bananas, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 1.5 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 90g of rice milk or other vegetable milk
  • ½ lemon juice
  • 8g baking powder
  • 210g rice flour
  • 90g of sugar
  • 1 tonka bean
  • 40g melted butter
  • 25g sesame oil
  • Scrape the bananas you are going to caramelize to remove the starch, cut them lengthwise in half. In a frying pan, place the butter, let it color, place the bananas, begin to color them and sprinkle with sugar, turn the bananas over and continue the caramelization. Set aside on a plate, bananas inside out.
  • In a bowl, place the bananas cut into pieces, start pressing, pour the chia seeds, mix, pour the rice milk and lemon juice, add the flour-yeast mixture, continue to mix. Add the sugar and grate a little tonka bean according to your taste. Pour in the melted butter then the sesame oil, mix.
  • Pour the mixture into a cake tin, place the caramelized bananas on the cake and bake for 25 minutes. At the end of cooking, wait until the cake is cold to unmold it so that the bananas do not fall.