Family Best Time >> Food

Everyone in the kitchen:we're melting for the very pretty puff pastry tart with Paris mushrooms by Cyril Lignac

  • Preparation time:10 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people
  • 1 puff pastry
  • 1 onion, peeled and chopped
  • 20g of butter
  • 400g button mushrooms washed, cut and chopped
  • 500g small pink mushrooms, washed and cut into thin 3mm slices
  • Olive oil
  • Fine salt, fleur de sel and ground pepper
  • Preheat the oven to 205°C.
  • In a hot sauté pan, pour a little olive oil and butter, let it brown slightly then add the onion, sweat it and add the chopped mushrooms. Season with fine salt. Mix and cover with parchment paper the size of the skillet. Cook until the duxelles are tender and the water from the vegetation has disappeared. Check the seasoning. Reserve.
  • In a hot pan, pour a little olive oil, add a few slices of mushrooms (not all of them, you don't have to fill the pan), season with fine salt, color then drain in a plate. Do this to cook all the mushrooms.
  • On a silicone or parchment sheet placed on a baking sheet that can go in the oven, roll out a circle of puff pastry 22cm in diameter. Lay down a second sheet of parchment paper and a baking sheet. Bake in the hot oven at 205°C for 6 minutes. Check the bottom and sides for doneness. Take out the pie. Leave it aside.
  • On the puff pastry, place the mushroom duxelles then distribute the mushroom slices. Put in the oven to heat for 5 minutes at 180°C, season with fleur de sel and freshly ground pepper.

Autumn recipes:our quiche ideas to change from the traditional Lorraine quiche

Cuisine:fine tomato and onion tart, too good!

She makes cakes so sumptuous that you (almost) don’t want to eat them