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Autumn soups:these simple recipes, to be made with only 2 ingredients

The temperatures drop, the night comes faster and after a day of teleworking you want to warm up your taste buds with a soft and comforting beverage? The autumn soup will delight you!

To prepare a good soup , no need to have many ingredients! Indeed, whether you are missing vegetables or do not have much time to spend in the kitchen to concoct it, you can use what you have on hand. Thisdrink, which delights and warms the table during the fall is very easy and quick to prepare , so why deprive yourself of it?

Autumn recipes:how to prepare a soup with two ingredients?

To treat yourself with a bowl of soup , you only need two ingredients ! Indeed, with very few seasonal vegetables, you can easily prepare an excellent meal . These color and give flavor to the soup. To succeed, you will have to cook the vegetables in a lot of water, to which you add the stock cube of your choice. Once the vegetables are cooked, mix them with the quantity of water of your choice, for a more or less thick soup. All you have to do is serve it and enjoy it!

How do I pimp up my autumn soup?

If the soup can very well be made with only two vegetables , do not hesitate to pimp it with what you have in your kitchen! Indeed, you can for example add bacon. To do this, cook a few slices in a pan and cut them into small pieces. Sprinkle your bowl of soup with these. Similarly, if you have cream, add a spoonful to your soup to make it creamier. Finally, shallots, pumpkin seeds, almonds, brown butter, bread croutons, apples, pomegranates… Are a wide range of possibilities, to pimp up your autumn soup according to his wishes!

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