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Candlemas:here is the ultra-gourmet recipe for crêpes Suzette by Jean Imbert and his grandmother

Each year brings its share of gourmet events. After Epiphany and its galettes des rois, we celebrate Candlemas on February 2. around good pancakes . A tradition that young and old alike love despite its history. Did you know ? Candlemas is a custom of Christian origin, linked to the life of Jesus, which also marks the arrival of spring and therefore of the sun. We didn't need more to make our mouths water and our hearts balm!

Here is the tasty recipe for crêpes Suzette by chef Jean Imbert

Many recipes from chefs put the spotlight on pancakes . This is the case of Jean Imbert who, with his grandmother, shared their recipe for Crêpes Suzette . A great classic of French cuisine. Tasty and smooth, crêpes Suzette can be washed down and flambéed – according to taste – with a delicious sauce based on Grand Marnier, orange, lemon, sugar and butter. We want more!

Ingredients to make Jean Imbert's pancake batter:

  • 250g flour
  • 60 g of sugar
  • flower of salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 50 cl of milk
  • 80g butter
  • 3 cl of amber rum

For the garnish, the Suzette sauce:

  • ½l fresh orange juice
  • 1 organic orange
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 5 cl of Grand Manier

Preparation steps for making Crêpes Suzette:

  1. In a bowl, mix the flour with the sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. Break and whisk the eggs, make a well in the flour and stir in.
  3. To avoid lumps, mix with a spatula while gradually adding the milk.
  4. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it turns hazelnut. Stop the cooking by placing the container in a tray of water.
  5. Once cooled, add your hazelnut butter to the preparation with the amber rum. Mix everything together and chill for at least 1 hour.
  6. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, reduce the fresh orange juice with 50 g of sugar. It should have the consistency of soup, then store it in the fridge.
  7. Recover the zest from the orange, blanch it and cut it into julienne strips.
  8. In a saucepan with a skin of water, add the blanched zest with the rest of the sugar and leave to confit for 1 hour.
  9. Lift the supremes from the orange.
  10. In a pan, cook your pancakes with butter.
  11. Arrange them in a dish. Add a spoonful of reduced orange juice, candied zest and a few orange supremes. Put them in the oven at 200 degrees, in grill mode, for 5 minutes.
  12. In the meantime, heat the Grand Manier, flambé it as soon as it boils and pour it over the hot pancakes.

Original recipe to be found in the cookbook "Thank you Grandma" , Chêne editions, released in November 2019.

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