Impossible to resist the call of the ice cream! During the summer, it is the little pleasure that delights our taste buds during dessert or afternoon tea. However, industrial ice cream are real calorie bombs, which does not appeal to everyone (especially people who pay attention to their line). But to treat yourself all summer long without worrying, we found the buzzing recipe right now:the HealthyMagnum ! A healthy and gourmet ice cream, which we will be able to taste without feeling guilty. That's perfect!
Some people find industrial ice cream too sweet and therefore prefer to fall back on sorbets or fruit. However, to enjoy a healthy frozen dessert , this recipe will amaze you. After feta pasta, TikTok is going viral with this frozen dessert that calls itself the Healthy Magnum , made with bananas, yogurt and chocolate. The creamy texture is reminiscent of vanilla ice cream, all with far fewer calories. Invented by Emily Daniers , @WholeSomeHedonista, an English speaker who offers gourmet recipes , but still very good for health. With these few ingredients, you can then design an ice cream that will cause a sensation and that will impress your friends and family! For a touch of indulgence, you can add caramel, chocolate, hazelnuts or even almonds (according to your desires).
You need:
Preparation steps:
Discover the stick version of the Healthy Magnum.
Also read:
Frozen Honey:the ultra-simple sorbet recipe that's going viral on TikTok!
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