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Spring recipe of the day:Spaghetti with asparagus and orange

In winter we tend to eat heavy, hot and fatty dishes to protect ourselves from the cold (the nice excuse), so when the spring season arrives, our body automatically faces a transitional diet. It purges naturally and will prefer fresh and above all lighter products.

Here is a recipe idea to savor spring on your plate together, spaghetti with asparagus and orange. To make this recipe for 4 people, you will need:

10 green asparagus

1 orange

4 tablespoons olive oil

300g of spaghetti

100g grated Parmesan

Salt, pepper

Hull the asparagus and cut them in half. Peel the orange, cut it into pieces. Fry the asparagus in a pan with olive oil for 10 minutes. Boil water, salt and immerse your spaghetti for al dente cooking. Once cooked and drained, add them to the pan, along with the parmesan and orange. Stir and heat for 5 minutes. Salt, pepper. Enjoy!

Read also:Spring recipe of the day:Sea bass carpaccio and citrus salad