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Spaghetti with Walnuts, the Original and Cheap Recipe.

Spaghetti with Walnuts, the Original and Cheap Recipe.

You can put so many things in pasta that you think you know all the tricks to impress your friends.

But there is a recipe you may have never thought of:walnut spaghetti.

Yes, yes, nuts! Delicious, inexpensive and easy to prepare. Who says better?

Spaghetti with Walnuts, the Original and Cheap Recipe.

Ingredients for 4 People

- 400 g of spaghetti

- 50 gr walnut kernels

- 30 cl of milk

- 40 gr of butter

- 20 g of grated Parmesan

- 50 gr of breadcrumbs

- salt and pepper

- optional:parsley and coriander

How To

1. Preheat your oven to 240° (th. 8)

2. Meanwhile, cook your spaghetti

3. Place your walnut kernels in the oven for 5 minutes on a baking sheet

4. Chop 'em

5. Heat the milk and butter in a saucepan

6. Add nuts and breadcrumbs

7. Season with salt and pepper and add a little parsley and/or coriander if you wish

8. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes while stirring

9. Put the drained spaghetti in a serving dish

10. Add the nut sauce and serve

Bonus Tip

For a complete meal, you can add a thick slice of raw ham, a few bacon bits or sliced ​​chicken.