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The Easy and Inexpensive Recipe for Traditional Moussaka.

The Easy and Inexpensive Recipe for Traditional Moussaka.

A good moussaka...

Don't wait to go to Greece to be able to taste a delicious one.

Here is the traditional moussaka recipe to easily prepare at home to please the whole family.

Inexpensive, moussaka is also a cheap and clever original recipe that allows you to cook leftover meat.

The Easy and Inexpensive Recipe for Traditional Moussaka.

My ingredients for 4 people

- 500 g minced meat (beef)

- 4 eggplants

- 2 tomatoes

- 2 onions

- 1 tablespoon of olive oil

- Salt, pepper

How to

1. I peel and slice the onions.

2. I wash and cut the eggplants into rings.

3. I rinse and cut the tomatoes into cubes.

4. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil. I brown my aubergines in it for a few minutes, then place them in a gratin dish.

5. I preheat my oven to 200°.

6. In the same skillet, over high heat at first, I brown the onions and ground meat. Once all seized, I add the tomatoes, salt, pepper. I let it cook for 10 min.

7. I pour this mixture into the gratin dish, over the eggplants. And I add 1/2 glass of water.

8. I bake the whole thing for 25 min in an oven at 180°.


And now, it's ready ! All that remains is to serve this homemade moussaka :-)

This unique family dish can be served with a salad.

It's a real treat ! With this homemade moussaka you have a cheap meal even for 10 people.

Do not hesitate to make large quantities, because even better reheated.

Bonus tip

If you like a creamier moussaka, here is a gourmet variant!

I suggest you add a topping made with 4 eggs, 2 Greek yogurts and a little grated parmesan. Just add it to the mixture, before putting it in the oven.

The Easy and Inexpensive Recipe for Traditional Moussaka.

Boy, the bill please!

- 500 g of minced meat:€9.54 per kilo, i.e. €4.82

- 2 aubergines:600 g at €3 per kilo, i.e. €1.80

- 2 tomatoes:240 g at €2.50 per kilo, i.e. €0.72

- 2 onions:around 125 g each at €1.85 per kilo, i.e. €0.46

Or an addition for 1 person of € 1.95 or €7.80 for 4 people.

Your turn...

Did you make this easy homemade moussaka recipe? Tell us in comments if you liked it. We can't wait to read you!