When the weather comes, I love a fresh and delicious recipe with Greek accents.
Tzatziki is a healthy and economical recipe that appeals to guests for an aperitif or to the whole family as an appetizer.
Learn how to make it in seconds.
This recipe is simplicity itself. And in addition it is an excellent detox recipe for health.
The nutritional qualities of Greek cuisine and the Cretan diet are well established!
- a beautiful green cucumber, all organic
- 2 Greek yoghurts made from sheep's milk (or just two white yoghurts)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 spoonful of olive oil
- salt pepper
- possibly aromatic herbs
Chives go very well. But parsley can be a nice variation. From time to time I add a few mint leaves to give the recipe even more punch and surprise my guests.
1. Peel the cucumber and cut it into cubes.
2. Then put it in a dish with coarse salt to let it drain a little (about 30 min).
3. Squeeze the garlic with a garlic press.
4. Then mix it with the yoghurts.
5. Pour a spoonful of olive oil.
6. Season with a pinch of pepper and a little chives.
7. Add the cucumber and mix gently.
And There you go ! Tadam! It's ready and it's refreshing :-)
Easy to cook and cheap, right?
Because I've always been addicted to tzatziki, I had to force myself to vary my dishes, especially for my man. But I found a delicious subterfuge to avoid the classic tzatziki and satisfy my Greek addiction:radishes!
So I "cook" the same recipe except that instead of cucumbers, I add a big handful of radishes and instead of yogurts and I take two glasses of cottage cheese (much smoother and richer in taste than white yogurt ).
And to add a little color to my dish, I mix some radish tops which I then add with a little parsley to my raditsiki.
A dish that can be eaten with all the sauces !
Tzatziki or raditziki is not only eaten as a starter accompanied by a piece of bread. It can also be used in sauces to accompany meat skewers or be drizzled over roast meat.
Besides, the Greeks put it on almost all meats, it must be said that it's too good with good grilled meat.
It can also be served as a dip for an aperitif with chopped vegetables to dip in or on toast. It even replaces the mayonnaise in my sandwiches.
When you are a fan of tzatziki, the imagination is endless. With prawns? It's excellent of course! With rice ? Also!