Family Best Time >> Food

Want to cut down on meat? WeCook organizes your meals!

Ok, everyone agrees on this point:to avoid damaging our planet too much, for our health, to spend less money and to make animals suffer less, it would be nice to reduce our meat consumption. All that is great, but concretely, how do we do it? Because we're already struggling to organize our meals with all that we have to do, if in addition we have to rack our brains to develop special menus, we haven't left the hostel, my poor Lucette!

That's why WeCook, the leading online meal planning and grocery shopping service, is launching a new Semi-Vegetarian meal plan. The principle ? For 5 euros per month, you receive each week seven personalized meal ideas (with recipes) according to the size of the family, with seasonal vegetables and fruits and only two meals containing meat or fish. There, all you have to do is print and presto, let's go shopping.

"Nutritional quality for parents and children alike is guaranteed by a team of qualified dieticians", assures WeCook, before adding that "the meals offered are obviously adapted to the life of an active family with easy-to-make recipes. and which will appeal to the children". And in addition to discovering new flavors, eating "healthy" while doing something for our planet, we save money:at least 20 euros saved per week and per family, the site tells us.

Want to test? Two weeks of free trial (and without obligation) are offered. We try!
