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What is "virtuous bread"?

There are not only fashion designers, there are also bread designers! Raphaël Gruman is a nutritionist. He is also a lover of numbers, curves and other statistics. Very quickly, he noticed the problem:constipation is the main concern of French people – and especially French women – in terms of health. So when he met Thomas Maurey, CEO of Les Moulins Familiaux, an idea germinated in his head:what if we created a healthy bread good for transit and kneaded by the bakers themselves?

This is how Le Vertueux was born! Since we keep repeating that to fight against constipation, "you have to eat fiber" essential to the health of the digestive system, this bread will include a good balance of soluble and insoluble fibers to facilitate efficient transit.

> Read also:What do I do with my old bread?

A bread for seed lovers

Recipe ? To salivate! It is made from flour enriched with beet fiber and wheat bran fiber. A good idea since these exclusive fibers make it possible to increase the humidity of the bread, to prolong its freshness, to give it more softness, but above all to accelerate intestinal transit. The quantities are calculated so as not to attack the wall of the intestine and avoid bloating. Under the sunflower seeds, there are also sesame, oat, poppy, brown and yellow flax seeds, and the golden crust encloses an airy crumb that is ultra-rich in seeds while remaining moist.

As a reminder, fibers are present in plants. Insoluble fiber is found specifically in the husk of whole grains, in wheat bran, and in fruits and vegetables. White bread is then banned, and wholemeal bread is preferred, made from the whole grain of the cereal, which contains 5.6 g of fiber / 100 g.

Where to shop?

It can be found in a selection of bakeries throughout France and on sale in Julien bakeries. Its recommended price is €2.40 for 300 g. In the form of sandwich bread, you can ask your favorite baker sliced ​​or unsliced.