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Enjoying baking? But what if your baking fails?

Enjoying baking? But what if your baking fails?

One of the favorite things to do now that we have to stay indoors as much as possible is bake. But yes… it can happen that your cake or cake does not come out of the oven as intended. Now what?

No worries! If your baking session is not successful, you can now contact the First Aid for Misbakes (E.H.B.M.), an initiative of banana bread brand SUNT. They give you tips because you can still turn your misfire to prevent food waste.

Read also: '5 ways to bake even better banana bread'

International Banana Day

Also because today (17 April) is International Banana Day, it was a good reason for the banana bread brand to start with the E.H.B.M.:“It

''The last thing you want after your b(iz) ardre trip to the supermarket and sweating for an hour in the kitchen is to be able to slide your baking tin straight into the trash. Don't we already have enough to be fed up with?!'' Laura Hoogland, founder of the young brand, jokes.

Against food waste

Despite the sustainable banana bread brand itself offering ready-made banana bread, the Sunt team finds it no problem at all to help others conjure up a perfect banana bread, or other type of baking, from the oven. “We help everyone with love, especially if this ensures that unnecessary misfires do not end up in the trash. Our banana bread was created to prevent food waste. It would be a shame if all those home-baked banana breads ensure that there is more waste," says Laura. Anyone who could use some digital help in the kitchen or who simply finds it a shame to throw their misfire in the trash can contact the E.H.B.M.

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