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You want to taste this:recipe for vegan Snickers cake

You want to taste this:recipe for vegan Snickers cake

This Snickers cake is very tasty and very special. The cake is not only 100% vegan, but also gluten-free and free of refined sugars!

We got the recipe from Willem-Pie Bakery, an Amsterdam vegan bakery that shows with super tasty pastries that vegan pastries can be just as tasty, or even tastier than regular pastries. This Snickers pie has always been a big favorite with customers, but is now out of the range, because Willem-Pie is switching to a 'no peanut policy' due to B2B upscaling. That's good news for you, because now you can make this cake yourself at home!

What do you need?

  • 25 cm springform
  • Kitchen machine
  • A large pan
  • and a smaller pan


1 e layer:Brownie bottom

  • 75 grams of buckwheat flour
  • 25 grams of almond flour
  • 120 grams of cocoa powder
  • 4 grams baking powder
  • 150 grams of coconut blossom sugar
  • 2 grams of salt
  • 150 ml soy milk
  • 100 ml sunflower oil
  • 1 small banana

2nd layer:Chocolate mousse

  • 200 grams of silken tofu
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 120 grams of extra dark chocolate
  • 80 grams of cocoa
  • 50 grams of date syrup
  • 2 grams of salt

3 e layer:Peanut caramel

  • 100 grams of cashew nuts
  • 50 ml soy milk
  • 70 grams of peanut butter
  • 50 grams of soft dates (for example from Yogi &Youssef)
  • 1 gram of salt

Top layer:Dark chocolate ganache

  • 100 grams of dark chocolate (chopped into small pieces)
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • Roasted peanuts

Preparation method

1 e layer:Brownie bottom

  1. Line the bottom of a springform tin with baking paper and grease the edges with oil or cooking spray.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  3. Mix the dry ingredients:buckwheat and almond flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, coconut blossom sugar and salt.
  4. Mix the soy milk and sunflower oil.
  5. Mash the banana well (or even better:puree with a stick blender or in a food processor) and mix it well with the soy milk and sunflower oil.
  6. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and mix well with a spatula.
  7. Spread the brownie batter over the springform and bake for 25 minutes.
  8. While the bottom is in the oven, you can probably put the 2 e and 3 e make the layer of the cake.
  9. Remove the cake from the oven after 25 minutes, let it cool and place in the freezer.

2nd layer:Chocolate mousse

  1. Melt the chocolate 'au bain-marie' (put the chocolate in a small pan and put boiling water in a larger pan)
  2. In the meantime, mix the rest of the ingredients in a food processor.
  3. When the chocolate has melted, add it to the mousse in the machine and let it run for a while.
  4. Put the mousse in the fridge.

3 e layer:Peanut caramel

  1. Put the cashew nuts with the soy milk in the food processor and let it run until completely smooth.
  2. Add the peanut butter, dates and salt and turn into a peanut 'caramel'.
  3. Put the caramel in the fridge.
  4. When the brownie base is cold, remove it from the freezer.
  5. Gree the edges of the springform pan with oil or cooking spray and stick a strip of baking paper against it.
  6. Gree the brownie bottom with the chocolate mousse and put the mold back in the freezer. Read a book, walk your dog or do some shopping because the cake should now stay in the freezer for at least an hour.
  7. After an hour (when the chocolate mousse is (almost) frozen), you can carefully spread the caramel over the chocolate mousse.
  8. Put the cake back in the freezer for about 30 minutes.

Top layer:Dark chocolate ganache

  • Heat the coconut milk until it almost boils.
  • Turn off the heat and stir the chocolate chips into the coconut milk until it becomes a smooth chocolate ganache.
  • Spread the ganache over the cold peanut caramel layer and immediately sprinkle some roasted peanuts over it as decoration.

Hint! Store in the refrigerator.

Read also:vegan vanilla pudding without packets and bags