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Kit Kat:the secret of chocolate bars revealed

Confectioners prefer to keep their recipes secret, and that's what helps make their products better. And the case is also true for the little sweet treats from mass distribution that have fans all over the world. The Kit Kat brand is one of the kings of the market, and its power is undeniable as soon as its red packaging appears in the candy department (yes, they're the ones who jump in the cart, do we agree?) . But have you ever wondered what's in four little heaven bars? We have the answer!

Very useful imperfect bars

Melting on the outside and crispy on the inside, the effects of chocolate and wafer, of course. But these ingredients actually come from… other Kit Kats! Indeed, according to Julie Walker, an employee of the company belonging to Nestlé, the bars which are imperfect (which have small bubbles on the chocolate surface for example) are recovered, crushed and used to fill the other treats. What a revelation! Don't ask us how the brand's first bar was designed, when there weren't yet any "failed" bars to fill in the others. The story of the chicken or the egg, in short...

That's not all, but it makes your mouth water. Breakeee Kit Kat!