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3 x Chefs Breakfast Recipes for Mother's Day

Early on, getting up super early to surprise mothers with breakfast in bed was one of the most exciting times of the year. Despite the fact that we are no longer small bumps, Mother's Day is still the time to spoil mom and give some extra love. To save you some brain teasers and google search hours, we managed to get the best breakfast/brunch ideas from various chefs. Because let's not forget:love still goes through the stomach. Also with mom.

3 x Chefs Breakfast Recipes for Mother s Day All-time favourite:American pancakes. If you're anything of an avid Instagrammer, you've probably noticed that this is one of the most photographed breakfasts of all time. And not without reason, because who doesn't love a tower of pancakes decorated with sweets and fresh fruit. We share the way to make your mother's mouth water with this divine pancake recipe from Deus Ex Machina.

Ingredients (10 pancakes):

1 liter milk
1 kilo gram flour
160 gram sugar
120 gram melted butter
50 gram baking powder
4 gram salt
8 eggs

Preparation method:

  1. Mix all ingredients with a whisk or immersion blender in a large bowl to a thick batter;
  2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat with a knob of butter and pour 2 tablespoons per pancake into the pan. This ensures a small size. If you use a slightly larger pan, you can make several pancakes at the same time;
  3. Stack the pancakes on top of each other, add some fresh blueberries and top with honey or maple syrup. Or spread some Nutella on the pancakes and top with thinly sliced ​​banana and slivered almonds. Kees is ready!

Hint: No time or in a hurry? You can now also order at The What Of Why, Deus Ex machina's restaurant in Amsterdam.

3 x Chefs Breakfast Recipes for Mother s Day Sourdough bread in bed
If there were a survey asking what we could wake up mothers for, then freshly baked bread would definitely be in the top three. And of course it doesn't get any fresher than a homemade creation. Thanks to the bakers of Restaurant NENI, you ensure that your mother wakes up on Mother's Day with the smell of freshly baked sourdough bread. Don't forget that making bread takes some time, so feel free to set aside a few hours for it. Set your alarm, put on that cooking apron and get to work!

Ingredient List 1:

450 grams of bread flour
50 grams of rye flour
75 grams of sourdough (tip:ask your local baker for this ingredient)
325 ml of water

Ingredient List 2:

25 ml water
11 grams gray salt
6 ml olive oil
Some extra bread flour to shape the bread

Preparation method:

  1. Combine everything from ingredient list 1 together and knead for 1 minute by hand or with a food processor until it is combined. Make sure you don't do this for more than one minute. Let the dough rest for 45 minutes in a bowl under a wet clean cloth;
  2. Then add the water and gray salt from ingredient list 2 to the dough and knead it for about 5 minutes. Return the dough to the bowl, brush with olive oil and let the dough rest for another 45 minutes;
  3. Refold the dough in half every 20 minutes like a kind of wallet and let it rest in the intervals in a bowl covered with a wet cloth. Repeat this process until the dough has doubled in size;
  4. Get a clean mixing bowl and put some bread flour in it. Form your bread on a clean table with the help of some bread flour so that it does not stick, put it completely covered in the refrigerator and let it rest overnight;
  5. The next day, an hour before baking the bread, take the dough out of the fridge;
  6. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees (add a small bowl of water in the oven if your oven does not have a steam option). Then place the bread on a baking tray or a hot oven stone and make some slits at the top of the bread with a knife so that it can develop during baking;
  7. Bake the bread in the oven for 30 minutes. When the oven is ready, open it slightly and let the bread stand for another 5 minutes;
  8. Remove the bread from the oven, let it cool down for a while and voilà, your own sourdough bread is a fact.

Hint: Not such a kitchen prince/princess? Or are you temporarily unable to visit your parents? Then surprise them with a dinner or lunch from NENI that you can pick up yourself or have it delivered. Click here for the menu.

3 x Chefs Breakfast Recipes for Mother s Day Quick breakfast with an egg
Fresh rolls, smoked salmon, a poached egg and that great hollandaise sauce. This time we can thank the Kanarie Club, because this genius combination is theirs. And no don't worry, we won't tell you that you will be making this dish every weekend from now on……for yourself (oops). Because an egg, an egg, an egg is part of it!

Ingredients (for 2 persons):

4 toasted rolls
4 slices of smoked salmon
4 eggs
Splash of vinegar
100 grams fresh spinach
Lump of butter

Ingredients hollandaise sauce:

3 egg yolks
125 grams butter
2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar
½ lemon

Preparation method:

  1. Toast the bread lightly or bake it in the oven and then cover the sandwiches with the slices of smoked salmon;
  2. Then make the hollandaise sauce. Melt the butter very slowly in a small saucepan and carefully skim off the white sediment until the butter is clear (also called clarified butter);
  3. Then put a pan with water on the fire and take a fireproof bowl or dish that fits on the pan. Place the three yolks, two tablespoons of tarragon vinegar and the juice of half a lemon in the bowl. Place the bowl over the pan with water and beat the egg yolks with a whisk to a foamy, firm sauce;
  4. Remove the bowl from the pan and pour in the clarified butter in a thin stream. In the meantime, keep beating well and season the hollandaise sauce with some salt and pepper;
  5. Fry the spinach in a pan with some butter and season with salt and pepper. Then place the spinach on the smoked salmon;
  6. Now it's time to poach the eggs. Heat a pan of water, bring it just short of the boil and add the vinegar, because this will cause the eggs to solidify faster in the water. Then gently stir the water in circles with a spoon, but not too hard. Place an egg in a small bowl and let it slide into the center of the 'vortex'. Let the egg cook in the water for about 4 minutes;
  7. Remove the poached eggs from the pan with a slotted spoon, drain and place on the salmon rolls;
  8. Finally, spoon the sauce over it and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper.