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My recipe for Mother's Day:an inexpensive strawberry charlotte.

My recipe for Mother s Day:an inexpensive strawberry charlotte.

Mother's Day is like birthdays:you need the gift and the occasion cake. With my Strawberry Charlotte recipe, I know it will be successful.

The Strawberry Charlotte , it's creamy and fresh.

Personally, it's a cheap dessert that I like a lot. I tested this recipe for Mother's Day last year, and I was happy because she really liked it. So I'm sure your mom will like it too. I made this cake for mine last year and she loved it!

A little clarification before we start: this dessert should be prepared a little in advance. The Charlotte needs to rest for 3 hours in the fridge to hold up well when it is removed from the mould. Don't forget this little detail!

For the ingredients, nothing very complicated. You will need:

--> 500g strawberries

--> 300g lady finger biscuits
--> 75g caster sugar

--> 3 tablespoons strawberry syrup

--> 25 cl fresh cream

Preparation (about 30 min)

1. I start with cookies

In a bowl, I mix my strawberry syrup with a little water.

I soak the ladyfingers quickly on both sides in the bowl.

I line the bottom and the inside of my mold with the biscuits, and I take care to squeeze them well against each other to have a compact result that will guarantee the hold of my strawberry charlotte during the unmolding.

I put everything in the fridge so that the ladyfingers freeze together.

2. I go to the preparation

I pour my fresh cream into a bowl that I put on a container filled with ice cream, and I whip it to make whipped cream.

I wash my strawberries, I hull them and I cut them into slices. Then I mix them with sugar in a bowl. Then I add my whipped cream to the strawberries, and I mix everything gently.

3. It's time to train

I take my cookie-lined pan out of the fridge. I pour my mixture of cream, sugar and strawberries into the mould, spread it delicately and finish by covering the top of the mould with ladyfingers, which I will have previously moistened in the same way as the previous ones.

4. The release, be careful, this is the crucial moment

I take a plate that I place on the charlotte and I press a little to pack the mixture well so as to obtain, when unmoulded, a cake that holds together well.

5. A well deserved rest

I cover my cellophane mold and let my charlotte rest in the fridge for 3 hours.

The next day, I have a surprise cake too beautiful , which I can serve to my mum for her birthday with a bit of strawberry coulis for sweetness.

Half of the ingredients I use for this cake are everyday consumption ingredients . Generally, I just buy strawberries, strawberry syrup and ladyfingers. In addition, as May is strawberry season, I manage to find some for less than €2 for a 500 g tray!

Savings Achieved

In the end, it's smarter to make a homemade recipe because instead of paying for a cake not far from 20€ at the pastry chef , you pay barely 8€ .

A saving of €12.

And, the idea for Mother's Day is to prepare it as a family. This will be a very gourmet Mother's Day gift which will make our moms twice as happy because we will have cooked it ourselves!

So, are you up for a Strawberry Shortcake this year?