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For St. Patrick's Day, a Homemade Beer Recipe!

For St. Patrick s Day, a Homemade Beer Recipe!

The Oktoberfest takes place this March 17th.

This is an opportunity to learn how to make your own beer, right?

If in your city no party is organized, if you prefer to have this party at home with friends...

Or if you simply want to know how to make beer for any occasion...

So here is a very simple recipe for a successful good homemade beer!

For St. Patrick s Day, a Homemade Beer Recipe!


- 20 liters of water

- a handful of chicory

- 250g malted barley

- 35 g of hops

- 25 g of yeast

- 400 g of sugar

How to

1. Put the water in a washing machine.

2. Put the chicory, barley and hops in a bag of cretonne (fabric made from hemp yarn).

3. Immerse the bag in water and boil for 1/2 hour then let cool.

4. The next day, add the yeast dissolved in a little warm water and mix before bottling (with a teaspoon of sugar per bottle).

5. Leave to rest for a week in a fairly warm room (the ideal would be a room that would be around 30°, otherwise you can let it rest longer).

Then you finally have the right to put your beer in the fridge, and TASTE it (in moderation of course!)


There you go, you made your own beer :-)

It's not that hard, is it?

Your turn...

Have you tried this recipe to make your homemade beer? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!