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7 super seeds you want to try

There are some superseeds that have been in the diet of some populations for centuries, and are eaten by many people today. who are looking for a healthy, sustainable and nutritious diet. Read more about seven ancient super seeds and their super powers.

1. Quinoa

This plant is especially beneficial in the diet of people with celiac disease, as it does not contain gluten. It is high in fiber and protein and its low glycemic index makes quinoa an ideal food for people with diabetes.

It is also a great help in controlling blood cholesterol levels as the fiber and unsaturated lipids promote the lipid profile in the body. It is a good source of vegetable iron with a high content of phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

In pre-Hispanic times, quinoa was essential in the diet of the Inca culture, in the present-day countries of Peru, Bolivia, northern Chile and Argentina, as well as southern Colombia and Ecuador. Today, 90% of quinoa comes from the dry and cold highlands of Bolivia and Peru.

2. Amaranth

Small in size but great in health properties, amaranth is considered one of the 36 vegetables with the greatest nutritional potential for mankind, due to its richness in minerals and proteins, resistance to drought and great agricultural yield.

In addition to their high content of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamin E and vitamin B, these seeds can germinate for consumption as nutritious sprouts, while their leaves, very similar in appearance and properties to spinach, are cooked in delicious dishes.

The Maya, Incas, and Aztecs devoted vast areas to cultivation, dating back to 4000 BC. They also appear in ancient recipes of peoples in Asia and Africa.

3. Chia

The name comes from the Nahuatl chian, meaning "oily", and it offers many nutrients and benefits, including the ability to satisfy hunger as the volume increases up to 20 times. It is rich in omega 3, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, protein, fiber and antioxidants. The calcium they contain is 600 mg per 100 gram serving, five times more than milk. In addition, it provides vitamin C, potassium, iron, selenium, magnesium and zinc, and provides antioxidants – four times more than blueberries.

The seeds are particularly oily and are grown in soils with scarce nutrients and are tolerant of acidity and drought, but it does not support frost, so it is also adapted to the conditions of southern North America (Mexico and the southwestern United States). States). like large parts of a world with increasingly arid, acidic and dry soils. Together with quinoa, it is seen as one of the most promising crops for the world of the future.

4. Teff

Teff seeds resemble grains and were mainly cultivated by ancient peoples living in Ethiopia, Eritrea, India and Australia. It is considered a "superfood" due to its high content of easily digestible fiber. It acts as a probiotic because it promotes the intestinal flora. It is an excellent source of slowly absorbing hydrates, which help control blood sugar levels. Which is ideal for people with diabetes.

In addition, it provides a significant amount of protein, is gluten-free and contains essential amino acids and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper and zinc.

5. Farro

Farro, along with spelt, is one of the most popular "primitive" wheats. Its cultivation originates from the fertile crescent that consists of the Mediterranean Levant, Mesopotamia and Persia, and evidence has been found that it was cultivated for 10,000 years.

The high antioxidant levels help reduce diseases such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. It has a high amount of fiber that prevents type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. It regulates the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. The nutritional contribution includes proteins and gluten, therefore it is not recommended for people with celiac disease.

Despite providing a greater nutritional contribution than wheat and being able to withstand severe drought and frost, the seed retains its husk, and its removal required more expensive processes, so it was quickly replaced by common wheat. Interest in this seed only started to grow in the 20th century.

6. Spelled

This common species of triticum evolved in the humid and cold climates of the Near and Middle East. Archaeological excavations have shown that it has been used for 7,000 years in the present-day countries of Iraq, Israel and Turkey. Cultivation took place on the Iberian Peninsula around 3,000 BC. Since the Middle Ages, it has been cultivated in Asturias, Switzerland, Tyrol and southern Germany.

Spelled has become popular with consumers looking for healthy alternatives to wheat, similar to the phenomenon of quinoa in North America. It has exceptional resistance to cold and is considered a “superfood” because it contains Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids, as well as several minerals.

This ancient wheat variety is increasingly found in bread, pasta, pastries and beer. It contains gluten, so its consumption is not suitable for people with celiac disease.

7. Flaxseed

Its herbal, textile, color, cosmetic and medicinal importance neglected its nutritional properties for several centuries until it became relevant thanks to the vegetarian culture. It is one of the plants with the highest amount of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids. The oil is much appreciated in fresh recipes, such as salads.

Unlike olive oil, linseed oil is not suitable for frying, because its molecular composition breaks down at temperatures higher than 180 degrees Celsius. Due to its fatty acids, dietary fiber and phytochemicals, flaxseed, served in the form of seeds, has become one of the healthiest additions to desserts, dressings and baking.