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Recipe:Korean Kimchi

Experimenting with new flavors and techniques is a great way to challenge yourself in your cooking. Kimchi is a classic Korean side dish that is great for serving with just about anything.
We share a recipe for Korean kimchi here.

Ingredients Kimchi

1.5 kg Chinese cabbage
3 tablespoons salt
1.5 dl water
2 tablespoons rice flour
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons ginger, grated
2 tablespoons garlic, grated
1 small yellow onion, grated
0.5 dl fish sauce
1 dl gochujaru (Korean chili powder)
3 tablespoons salted mini king prawns or 2 tablespoons extra fish sauce
6 green onions
1 carrot
10 cm radish
1 apple

You will do this

Divide the Chinese cabbage into quarters and then cut into 4 cm pieces. Place the cabbage in a large bowl. Separate the leaves well. Sprinkle salt over the cabbage and mix until all the leaves are coated with salt. The salt draws the moisture out of the cabbage. Let the cabbage stand for 1.5 hours.

While you wait, prepare the seasoning for the kimchi. Boil water, rice flour and sugar together to form a thick cream. Let something cool. Then add ginger, garlic, onion, fish sauce, chili powder and shrimp. Stir well.

Rinse the Chinese cabbage to remove excess salt. Then taste so that a little salty taste remains. Add the chili mixture to the bowl with the cabbage. Cut the radish into thin sticks (also called julienne) and put them in the bowl. Do the same with the carrot. Thinly slice the green onion and add to the bowl. Finish by peeling and dicing the apple (also known as brunoise) and placing it in the bowl. Mix well, preferably with your hands, so that the vegetables don't break. Feel free to use plastic gloves.

Divide the cabbage mixture among jars. Cover the cabbage with plastic wrap and close with a lid. Do not fill the jars completely, as space is needed for the fermentation. Leave at room temperature for 2 days. The cabbage should bubble from the fermentation and is then ready to be eaten. Then keep the kimchi in the fridge. It is best after about 2 weeks, but it takes at least two months.