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Recipe:German cabbage roulade with minced meat

Cabbage roulettes or cabbage roulettes come in many varieties! In Germany, cabbage roulades are made with white or Savoy cabbage and are boiled, steamed or stewed. Regardless of the form of cooking, it's fantastic – and in our opinion – underrated food. Try it yourself!

Recipe for 8 people
Cabbage roulades:
1 cup savoy cabbage
1 liter beef stock
1 onion
500 g veal and pork mince
1 teaspoon paprika powder
½ teaspoon thyme
Salt pepper
2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons. tomato paste
150 g sour cream
½ teaspoon oregano

Remove and discard the outer leaves of the cabbage head. Then cut out the hard and peel the cabbage head apart. You will need 8 cabbage leaves of the same size. Clean the cabbage leaves under cold water and cook them in the beef stock for about 5 minutes until they are soft. Remove the leaves from the stock and let it simmer over low heat. Place the cabbage leaves on a cutting board or on a clean kitchen table and let them cool while you make the mincemeat. Cut the onion into fine cubes. Mix the onion with the minced meat, eggs, paprika, thyme, salt and pepper to form a paste. Divide the mincemeat over the cabbage leaves. Roll them up into rolls and use kitchen twine to hold them together.
Melt the butter in a pan and fry the rolls all over in the butter. Then add the stock to the rolls and put the pan in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.
Prepare the sauce while the roulades are in the oven. Meanwhile, combine sour cream, oregano and tomato paste and dilute the mixture with the stock. When the roulades are cooked, place them on a plate and pour the sauce over them.